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UAP and Mystery Drones More Serious Than Being Told

Writer's picture: Cristina GomezCristina Gomez

In recent weeks, a wave of unusual aerial phenomena has captured global attention, challenging both official explanations and conventional understanding of drone capabilities. From military installations to civilian airports, these incidents have raised significant questions about airspace security and the nature of these unidentified objects.

The Langley Air Force Base Drone Mystery

According to the Wall Street Journal, for 17 consecutive days, Virginia’s Langley Air Force Base witnessed peculiar aerial activity that defied easy explanation. U.S. Air Force General Mark Kelly reported observing what he described as “drone-like objects appearing as constellations,” moving at approximately 100 miles per hour at altitudes between 3,000 to 4,000 feet. The persistence and pattern of these sightings over one of America’s most sensitive military installations has raised serious security concerns. No explanation has been given enough though this took place in December of 2023.

Article screen short of the Langley air force base witnessing mysterious drones for 17 days written by the wall street journal
Article from the WSJ

New Jersey’s Mysterious Drones UPDATES

The situation in New Jersey has taken a particularly concerning turn since Thanksgiving weekend. On the evening of December 2nd , what might have been merely another unusual sighting became a serious public safety concern when emergency responders were forced to abandon their helicopter landing plans due to multiple unidentified objects hovering in the designated landing zone.

Mysterious Mysterious Drones in the sky at night over New Jersey - Credits: Fox News
Mysterious Drones seen in New Jersey - Credits: Fox News

At Raritan Valley Community College, according to the New York Post security personnel had already initiated emergency protocols and closed roads to create a secure landing site for a medical helicopter responding to a crash victim. However, according to Brian Serge, one of the college’s security supervisors, the local fire captain was compelled to cancel the landing operation just before 7 PM due to the hazardous presence of these unidentified aerial objects.

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy speaking at a podium
New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy

Adding to the complexity of the situation, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy’s response seemed to downplay the incidents while simultaneously escalating them — stating that the objects posed “no threat” while also confirming that the FBI was conducting a “full investigation” into the matter. Witnesses describe the objects as appearing similar to conventional aircraft but with incorrect light configurations, with some reports indicating shape-shifting characteristics — a detail that seems to contradict the official “drone” classification. These sightings have been occurring nightly for hours at a time, far exceeding the typical flight duration capabilities of commercial drones. The objects have been reported at altitudes considered too low for normal aircraft operation, creating a puzzling scenario that defies simple explanation.

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy Twitter Post from December 5, 2024 addressing the investigation into the mysterious drones seen over new jersey
New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy Twitter Post from December 5, 2024

This pattern of incidents in New Jersey exemplifies a broader issue where official responses appear to minimize potential security concerns while evidence suggests a more complex and potentially serious situation. The contradiction between the governor’s reassurance of safety and the FBI’s involvement, coupled with the direct impact on emergency services, highlights the growing tension between official narratives and observed reality in these cases.

The Manchester Airport Incident UPDATES

The recent viral spread of photographs and video showing a luminous blue orb at Manchester Airport has sparked intense debate, despite the incident occurring back in June 2024. The images were shared by an anonymous account claiming to represent a veteran UK airline pilot with decades of experience. In their Reddit statement on November 28th, the pilot explained that while they didn’t personally capture the footage, it was taken by a colleague and had been “a hot topic of conversation” in their aviation community. They emphatically rejected conventional explanations, stating “This is not a balloon or a drone,” and emphasized that with their extensive experience, they “know what we are looking at in the skies.”

Orb at Manchester Airport photographed in june of 2024
Orb at Manchester Airport

Manchester Airport’s official response, issued just days ago, firmly contests these claims. Speaking to The Independent, airport officials dismissed the incident, stating they believe the images to be fake. Their response, however, contained notable contradictions — while asserting the images were fabricated, they simultaneously suggested the object “could be a balloon or something similar.” A spokesperson further told the Express that their detection systems would have identified any potential aviation threats, emphasizing that “anything that gives off a signal we would know about.” They also pointed out that an object on the airfield, as depicted in the imagery, would have been treated as a major incident, and no such disruption was recorded. Yet this response, coming months after the alleged incident and only after the images went viral, has raised questions about the timing and consistency of the official narrative, particularly given the aviation expertise of those who initially reported it.

Washington DC’s Protected Airspace Breach

The recent series of sightings over Washington DC’s restricted airspace has drawn striking parallels to one of ufology’s most famous cases while generating its own complex web of evidence and contradictions. The current incident centers on two key pieces of documentation: a still image captured by Dennis Diggins, a U.S. Air Force veteran and licensed tour guide, showing four lights positioned above the Capitol building’s Statue of Freedom, and corroborating video footage from a different vantage point showing similar lights transitioning from a square formation to a straight line. These sightings, particularly notable for occurring in heavily restricted airspace over both the Capitol building and Pentagon.

The initial still image by Diggins has faced significant skepticism, with debunkers suggesting the lights could be reflections from ground-level parking or street lights.

Pilot Dennis Diggins' image of lights in the sky over DC
Credits: Dennis Diggins

However, the supporting video evidence from a different location appears to validate the original sighting, showing the objects performing maneuvers that would be difficult to explain as mere reflections — specifically, their transformation from a square formation into a straight line.

Dennis Diggins image and still image of UFO video comparison
Dennis Diggins image (left) and still image of UFO video (right)

This modern incident bears striking similarities to the events of July 12 and 29, 1952, when a wave of UFO sightings over Washington DC prompted military intervention. The key difference between these cases lies in the response: while the 1952 incidents saw military jets scrambling to intercept the objects (unsuccessfully), the current sightings have generated no apparent military response despite occurring in what should be some of the most closely monitored airspace in the world.

The lack of official response or intervention, especially in contrast to the 1952 events, raises significant questions about either current security protocols or the nature of these objects. While the initial photograph might be explainable through conventional means, the corroborating video evidence of structured movement patterns suggests something more complex than simple light reflections or misidentifications. Local witnesses have reported seeing similar lights in the area for weeks, adding temporal depth to the incident beyond the viral photographs and video.

The Security Paradox

The stark contrast in how authorities handle different types of aerial incursions reveals a puzzling inconsistency in modern airspace security. This disparity is perfectly illustrated by the case of Fengyun Shi reported by the Star Tribune, a University of Minnesota student and Chinese national, who was swiftly apprehended after flying a drone near sensitive naval installations. When questioned by FBI agents, Shi claimed to be merely a “ship enthusiast” who didn’t realize his drone had entered restricted airspace. The resolution was swift and decisive — authorities quickly identified the drone, tracked its origin, apprehended the operator, and resolved the situation within days. Yet this same efficiency appears absent in numerous other cases: at Langley Air Force Base, objects described by U.S. Air Force General Mark Kelly as “drone-like constellations” operated freely for 17 consecutive days; over Washington DC’s heavily restricted airspace, multiple objects performed coordinated maneuvers near the Capitol Building and Pentagon without intervention; and in New Jersey, unidentified drones have disrupted emergency medical services for weeks while authorities simultaneously claim “no threat” and involve the FBI.

U.S. Air Force General Mark Kelly getting ready to go into military jet
U.S. Air Force General Mark Kelly

This inconsistency becomes even more perplexing given the sophisticated detection systems in place around sensitive installations — including radar, infrared detection, electronic surveillance, and signal monitoring — which proved so effective in Shi’s case yet seem ineffective against these other phenomena. As a Manchester Airport spokesperson noted regarding their own security, “We have systems that pick up anything that could be a threat to aviation. Anything that gives off a signal we would know about.” The stark contrast between the rapid resolution of confirmed drone incidents and the ongoing mystery surrounding these other cases suggests either a significant gap in current detection capabilities, a failure in response protocols, or the possibility that these objects possess characteristics that place them beyond conventional detection methods.

man looking through the window of his home and seeing a bright UFO in the night sky
man looking at mysterious drone outside

As these sightings continue to accumulate, the pattern of increased activity during the latter months of the year (particularly November and December) has become noteworthy. The global nature of these incidents, combined with their similar characteristics across different locations, suggests a phenomenon that warrants serious investigation beyond simple drone classification.

1 Comment

Stephen Rice
Stephen Rice
Dec 20, 2024 all pervading entity floating above the heads of the American people with complete impunity, and the U.N. ,China ,Russia ,and the USA have no answer...could disclosure be circumventing our leaders and coming to the public at large?


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